Restoring dreams to tackle loneliness

Intellectual output 1: trainingsprogramme


Intellectual output 2: This webpage, to share tools and best practises with eachother!

Did you know that more than 46% of Amsterdammers sometimes feel lonely and more than 13% even extremely lonely? During the K1 project (job shadowing), we did a study that showed some confrontational results. A shared subject was established, loneliness. We have concluded that it occurs in every country and that is a major problem.

The problem with loneliness is that in many countries, it’s considered a taboo. In addition, social workers are used to working in a solution-oriented way and there’s not an easy way to fix this. It requires customization. Not everything will work for everyone, no matter what instruments you use. Furthermore, not everyone can find a solution for their loneliness at all. All this makes it difficult to battle, but it’s definitely worth it!

Our training programme

In all the countries there is a taboo on the topic of loneliness. In general people find it difficult to talk about it directly. Social workers are used to work solution-oriented, and with this topic there is not one solution. It is something to work on for a long-term period, where different tools can be used, and not everything works for everyone. And not everyone can find a solution for his or her loneliness.

Our programme is set up in five different modules, in which we think we can find different tools and approaches you can use in different settings with different clients. Our goal within the project to inform people about the topic of loneliness, to create awareness and to break the taboo around this topic.

We are hoping to inspire you with different tools and best practises from every country during your day to day work. We are not able to tackle loneliness completely and are aware that it is a complex and difficult problem that asks for customised care. With this training we are creating more awareness among this topic and want to reach out different tools and approaches to reduce the feeling of loneliness as much as possible. For our whole training programme click here.

Would you like to know more? Send a message to:

P.S. Especially in this day and age it is clear how valuable the power of ’together’ is. Only together can we fight loneliness. Only together can we ensure connection. Only together are we really strong.


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